What is Anger Management?
Anger management is a common term used to discuss the control and prevention of harmful behaviors brought about by the someone expressing angry feelings. However, in order to effectively manage one’s anger, there should be a clear understanding of what anger is. Anger is reflexive, and thus, usually a result of pain. This can occasionally be physical pain, but pain does not always come in the form of tears and heartache. It can also come in the form of disrespect. Someone can easily inflict pain on you by acting in a way that communicates that your person is not worthy of acknowledgement. Feeling belittled, frustrated, stressed, or somehow devalued, can all lead to an emotional sense of discomfort — or pain.
Anger management begins with pain management. Think about it the next time someone cuts you off. If it bothers you, boil it down to its common denominator. In its most basic form, the action is either disrespectful or rude. Most people can write this off and move on. Some people will experience intense feelings of road rage and escalate.
Anger Counseling is Available
Anger is a normal emotion that everyone feels. However, we all have a responsibility to control how we express our anger. The inability to control impulsive aggression is known as Intermittent Explosive Disorder. These behaviors make up the key actions that people associate with anger issues. There are telltale signs you should seek anger management, especially if you:
- Notice the magnitude of your anger is dramatically disproportionate to the situation.
- Express anger is impulsively, lacking a clear outcome or resolution.
- Regularly use physical aggression towards persons, places, or things.
- Regularly become verbally aggressive, and frequent engage in arguments, temper tantrums, outbursts, and tirades.
- Struggle with a negative and/or aggressive nature more than twice a week, and continues for several weeks.
When expressed correctly, anger can be a healthy expression of our self-worth and our desire to confront wrongdoing. However, being chronically quick tempered is a sign of a bigger issue. If you or someone you love need help managing their angry impulses, HCH Therapy and Counseling can help.