Psychological Immigration Evaluations

Immigration evaluations are psychological reports written by a mental health professional. The immigration evaluation process is usually done to present a psychological defense for someone with a pending deportation case. Also, this is usually done in conjunction with an immigration law firm. An immigration attorney is the only one who can advocate for the person who wants to stay in the US. So, the role of the immigration evaluation therapist is to assess the potential impact of a deportation process. Specifically, how removing the non-permanent resident will affect the legal resident.

It is also my responsibility to interview the legal resident and learn more about the relationship. How did they meet the non-permanent resident? How deeply entangled is this person in their life? What benefit do they give each other? The more we can demonstrate that the non-resident is of physical, financial, emotional, or psychological importance — the better.

Who Needs a Immigration Evaluation Psychological Exam?

The process of a immigration evaluation psychological is meant to predict the hardship or distress due to a deportation. The US citizen advocating for a non-citizen is usually the focus of this evaluation. Typical situations that call for an immigration hardship evaluation are:

  • Asylum seekers
  • A family that is facing economic or social hardship if an undocumented family member were to be deported
  • A spouse requesting for their undocumented partner to stay with them, as it would create a hardship if they left
  • People requesting to stay in the country if they have been a victim of domestic violence

The process often starts with a referral from an immigration attorney, although we will accept self-referred clients. Because we are not attorneys, our job as the immigration evaluation therapist is simply to present a diagnosis. We also state why it would be harmful to the family if the person is removed.

If you need to speak to your counselor in Spanish, we also offer bilingual counseling services.

psychological evaluations for immigration

Key Factors For Immigration Evaluations

Financial Need

Would there be financial harm if this loved one were deported? If so, during the evaluation a financial need could be used as a basis for staying within the report. This can be trick, because in many cases, this person may not legally be able to work. However, the ability to demonstrate some form of financial responsibility is a plus. Are they somehow contributing to the bills or are they a financial drain to the family? An argument for hardship can be made if the family would be adversely impacted due to the lack of income.

Medical Dependence

Are you physically or medically impaired? If the non-resident is making contributions in this area, its important that the therapist knows this. Improving the resident’s quality of life can be an important factor. Every situation is different. Make sure to report any preexisting conditions. Are you taking medication? Are you recovering from surgery? Do you have any existing mental conditions? If the physical or mental health of the resident might decline due to the non-resident’s deportation, a case for hardship can be presented on those grounds.

Psychological Instability

Losing a family member or compromising the family unit would likely be tough for most people. However, for some, it could lead to a mental breakdown. If a person has a preexisting mental condition, or qualifies for one, it might be grounds for presenting a hardship. For some people, it could be anxiety or depression. It could be separation anxiety. It could be mixed depression. Any of these could potentially occur during or following the process. This is because losing a loved one can cause a great amount of stress. This situation can easily send many people into a state of high anxiety.

Family Disruption

Is this person your spouse? Are there children involved in the equation? Is this person the provider in the household? Maintaining family stability can play a major role when writing an immigration hardship evaluation. If deportation means breaking up the family unit, it could be the basis for demonstrating a hardship. If a parent will be removed from the household, that can cause serious harm to the family. This type of emotional strain is exactly what immigration evaluations are designed to prevent.

immigration evaluation

Let Us Help You With Your Immigration Evaluation

If you or someone you love is facing deportation due to the undocumented status of a non-resident, contact us. An immigration hardship evaluation can help. Immigration evaluations consist of about three sessions with the person who is the legal resident. We will discuss your background and explore its connection to what is currently happening. As your hardship evaluation psychologist, my job is identifying the potential hardships wherever we can.

Another factor to note is that ideally the non-resident be in good standing with the law. No criminal record or encounters with the police is preferable. However, even if there are some blemishes, so long as its not a pattern and they’re minor — it can be worked out. Ultimately, the evaluation should demonstrate that the person is reliable and a valuable addition to the community. The fact that you are willing to advocate for that person, is the first step in the right direction.

Get in Touch Now!

HCH Therapy and Counseling can help you with your immigration evaluation psychological. My aim is to make all the mental health services I provide both accessible and affordable. I accept many insurances, and have variable payment options based on financial need. We can also help connect you the right immigration lawyer, in addition providing immigration evaluations.