Teenage Counseling in Grand Rapids

Teenagers have a lot going on. Caught somewhere between the child they were and the adult they are becoming, issues can arise that have long term implications. For teens, it’s common for them to be embarrassed by these problems, which can make it difficult for them to ask for help. This can sometimes make teenage counseling a hard topic to bring up, but it may not have to be. As a parent, caretaker, or vested adult – there are several steps you can take to assist a teen in getting the treatment they might need.

Teens may not Ask for Help

In some cases, teens are happy to express themselves to an objective third party who is willing to listen and understand their point of view. However, sometimes a sensitive touch is necessary. It is important to avoid making the teen feel ashamed about what they are experiencing. Avoid implying or saying things that diminishes your teen’s ability to think or make good choices. The way you communicate your concerns will ultimately make the difference in how your teen responds.

teenage counseling services

Ways to Intervene for Your Teen

Seek Help Before Teenage Counseling

Starting with self is a good first step towards seeking help for your child. Consulting with a therapist before approaching your teen, can give you the tools you need to make the first interaction the right interaction. It also demonstrates your vested interest in the issue and their well-being. This also allows them the opportunity to share their point of view on level ground. It much harder to resist when you’re willing to practice what you preach.

Consult the Teen’s Physician

Depending on the nature of your concern, it may be a good idea to talk to your teen’s primary care physician. Concerns regarding issues like ADHD, depression, anxiety and stress, substance abuse, eating habits, and sexual abuse can be better assessed by a doctor, and they can assist in determining how to proceed with counseling. Understanding your options and the resources available can be beneficial, even if your teenager refuses to attend.

Talk to the Guidance Counselor

The school’s guidance counselor is usually a good resource in getting a read on what your teen’s activities and behavior look like from another perspective. The counselor should also be able to tell you if there are any services available within the school system to help your child. Additionally, a teen who refuses meet with a counselor outside of school, might concede to speaking to a guidance counselor.

Find Some Middle Ground

Many teenagers, like adults, are more likely to respond if they feel able to control some of the terms. Consider suggesting a mutually respected third party adult as an arbitor for your concerns, if a counselor is undesirable. Or, perhaps try negotiating a limited amount of sessions just to evaluate how it goes. If your efforts are made with compassion, they are likely to start listening, even if it may not seem like it upfront.

adolescent issues

Find Teenage Counseling Near Me

If you have lost your ability to communicate your teen, it doesn’t mean they are no longer listening to you. Teens are going through their formative years. Each phase of development brings specific challenges for children. Some concerns may be a reflection of changing attitudes or feelings. Or, it could be something that has a profound impact on the rest of their life.

Teenage counseling is both about the teen and their environment. If you’re involvement is important to the process, be prepared to listen. If your teen has a substance abuse issue, a behavior disorder, or a mental health problem, getting help for them during this formative period is important. Take steps to intervene – in love – as soon as possible. However, also be receptive to their feedback. Your ability to listen is just as important as their need to hear you.

Get in Touch Now!

Our teenage counseling methodology welcomes teens of all backgrounds to come express themselves in a safe and objective environment. We can help light way. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.